This site is dedicated to the YYH Revival Doujinshi Project. But it also has other cool Yu Yu Stuffs.
Our mission is to buy, scan, translate, and edit as many Yu Yu Hakusho doujinshi as we can so that the English speaking audience may enjoy them! We claim no ownership of these works as our own, only the scanlation work we do on them. You are free to download and share these wherever, but please do not omit the credits pages that may be present alongside the doujin.
We also believe that this is transformative work and thus falls under fair use. Please support the original artist if you can by purchasing the physical copy of the doujin you enjoyed.
If you have any questions, you can contact us through the contact form at the bottom of the page or through email at:
We also run a Discord server where we do all sorts of fun events for the fandom, from Zines to Group RPs, to exchange events like the Big Bang. Join us there!
You may have noticed the site asked you to confirm you are 18+. Not all doujinshi are NSFW, but many are. They will be clearly marked with the NSFW tag and other relevant ones (such as dubcon/noncon if necessary), but no additional warnings will be given. For this reason, only ADULTS are allowed to access this site. We understand that means many SFW doujins may not be available to younger fans, but this is to ensure if there is ever a mistake, no one is exposed to inappropriate content. We thank you for heeding the warning.