Links to various media we’ve collected/created 🙂

Below is a link to the OVAs and the two movies. To view these at a higher resolution, please download them from our g-drive.
Here is the link to the Gdrive with them all!

Raw footage from UCCUSS. Subtitles courtesy of Kita Kitsune. Edited by Lola B, @ Find .srt file and download options by searching /tagged/ova on the blog.

If you’d like to play Lola’s Kurama dating game please click here or here for the game. Game is free but donations are appreciated!

Only the first part of the stage play has been subbed. Thank you to Dee for these! If you can translate the other parts of the plays please email, we can add the subs to the video and share with others 🙂

Stage Plays

Links to Live Action Show!

YYH Revival, Our first zine, Hakusho Beat!

If the above quiz doesn’t work, the same one is available here!
